CHGENV.EXE A DOS ENVIRONMENT EDITOR BY PETER A. HYMAN (609) 799- 2638 DESCRIPTION: CHGENV (Change Environment) is a program designed to allow the user to easily change settings in the Environment. With CHGENV, the user may add to, delete from or modify any of the SETtings currently in effect. CHGENV is particularly useful when a long environment variable (e.g. PATH) requires modification. The user need not retype the entire SET command with CHGENV, merely edit the setting. USAGE: CHGENV has no command line arguments, simply type CHGENV [ENTER]. CHGENV displays a copyright message followed by the location in memory of the MASTER copy of the Environment, its Maximum allowable length followed by the current length of all the environment strings in use. The Maximum length may not be exceeded. Next, CHGENV will display all currently SET environment variables in ALPHABETICAL order. If more than 16 variables are set, a scroll bar will be displayed in the left margin. There are only three operations which CHGENV performs, and three keys used to perform them: INSERT KEY: Add a New Environment Variable DELETE KEY: Delete Currently Selected Environment Variable ALT-C KEY: Change Currently Selected Environment Variable Pressing Control-Break, Control-C or ESCAPE immediately ends the pro- gram. Pressing F10 ends the session prompting the user if he wishes to save the changes. Even if no edits have been made, the environment has been sorted and the Save Changes prompt will always appear. A highlighter is always visible. It indicates the currently-selected Environment Variable. To move the highlighter, the UP or DOWN Cursor, HOME or END or RETURN Keys may be used to move about the screen. CHGENV.EXE A DOS ENVIRONMENT EDITOR BY PETER A. HYMAN (609) 799- 2638 ADDING A NEW ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: All Environment Variables may be a maximum of 128 characters or the re- maining available environment space, whichever is less. The syntax must be: name=value where name is the name of the Environment Variable (e.g. PROMPT), the equal sign is mandatory with or without a space in between, and the value is the text or numeric value to be associated with the Variable. CHGENV will display a line near the bottom of the screen when INSERT is pressed and prompt Add: , followed by a highlighted area. If the Envi- ronment Variable is more than the screen width, the characters will scroll until done. Any edit may be completed by pressing the UP or DOWN cursor, HOME or END keys or RETURN. If the Environment Variable to be added does not contain an equal sign, or if its length would cause the total Environment Length to exceed its maximum, and error will be reported. If the Environment Variable to be added is the same as one already in the Environment, it will replace the existing one (although the CHANGE option could also be used to edit the existing Environment Variable). Once editing is completed, the newly-added Environment Variable will be sorted into the display. DELETING AN ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: The currently highlighted Environment Variable may be deleted by press- ing the DELETE Key. When this is done, the variable to be deleted will flash and a prompt Delete This Environment String? will be displayed. A 'Y' or 'N' in upper or lower case must be entered in response to this prompt. If 'Y' is entered, the Environment String is deleted and the list resorted and the Current Environment Length is recomputed. CHANGING AN EXISTING ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: The currently highlighted Environment Variable may be changed by press- ing ALT-C. When this is done, an edit box is displayed just to the right of the equal sign and the cursor will be positioned at the end of the string OR at the right border of the screen if the string is longer than the width of the screen. To scroll the string, use the right or left cursor keys. To delete characters, either the DELETE or BACKSPACE Keys may be used. Only overtype mode is supported. Any edit may be completed by pressing the UP or DOWN cursor, HOME or END keys or RE- TURN. CHGENV.EXE A DOS ENVIRONMENT EDITOR BY PETER A. HYMAN (609) 799- 2638 SAVING THE CHANGES: After all Environment Changes have been completed, F10 may be pressed to save the changes. Replying 'Y' to the Save Changes? prompt will cause the modified environment to be copied back into the Master Envi- ronment Location. This is the copy of the environment which is given to each process or subprocess. Any TSRs already loaded have already inherited their environments and cannot be affected by this change. However, all new commands, programs or new invocations of a command processor will inherit the modified environment. DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to test this program and assure its integ- rity. If it does not work on your system, please let me know immedi- ately. This program is being placed in the public domain as shareware. Please distribute it freely to other BBSs or users. You should include the files CHGENV.EXE and CHGENV.TXT. You may not charge a fee for the product or resell it in combination with any other product without per- mission. If you like CHGENV.EXE and find it helpful, please register your sup- port by remitting a $10 registration fee. Include your name, address and phone to: PETER A. HYMAN, INC. 148 Tennyson Drive Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Registered users will receive updates to the product for the coming year.